Weihnachtsfest 2018 is Just Around the Corner!

It’s time to celebrate, once again. As the American holiday of Thanksgiving is upon us, and time with friends and family is just a day away, I find myself looking forward one week to the time I get to spend with my larger second family, the 9th Reenactment Society and most of its members during our annual Weihnachtsfest!

This is one of my favorite events. We expanded it a bit this year and thanks to several helping hands we upped our game, sent out invitations, and have the bunker all set up and ready to go for the festivities. I can’t thank everyone enough for all their hard work and time spent to make this event more spectacular every year.

This year we will again feature home cooked dinner made by Erika for the entire party featuring from scratch spaetzli, roulade, Red Cabbage, and jaegerschnitzel with mushroom gravy. Other members make other foods to round it out and Barb cooks one hell of a mean, from scratch, desert fest. Top it off with beer, gluhwein, and a pit roasted schwine and it couldn’t get much more perfect.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you, many for the first time since last year. You all are what make this hobby work, and have become my second family.

There is no better family in the world.
